The Power of the Amazing Human Brain
July 13, 2022
There’s no denying that the human brain in an amazing supercomputer. Composed of roughly 86 billion neurons, it is estimated your brain can store 2,500,000 gigabytes of information.
However, most experts agree that there is much more about the brain that we don’t know than there are things we do know. And there are a lot of supposed “facts” about the brain that are really nothing more than silly myths.
So, what do we actually know about the human brain? The answers might surprise you!
In this great article from Ask The Scientists, they give 41 incredible facts about the human brain that you have probably never heard before.
For example, did you know that the physical size of your brain has little to do with your level of intelligence? Albert Einstein’s brain was actually 10% smaller than the average brain, and we all know what a genius he was!
How about the fact that multitasking is actually impossible? That’s right! It is not possible for your brain to do more than one task simultaneously. When someone is “multitasking,” their brains are actually just quickly switching from one high-order task to another.
And the myth that the average human only uses 10% of their brain? Not true at all. In fact, humans use their entire brain most of the time. It’s the only way to keep your body working the way it’s supposed to.
One of the most interesting facts we found was that your brain can actually read much faster than your eyes. Because of that, we only need to read the first few letters to know what a word is. According to, this amazing fact can be leveraged to facilitate more in-depth reading and better comprehension.
Through their website, you can upload a file and their automatic convertor will convert the text so that it highlights the most concise parts of each word, making it easier for your brain to quickly digest the information. Here’s an example:

By highlighting the beginning letters of each word, your brain is able to scan through the paragraph more quickly.
And the best part?
Bionic Reading offers this technology free of charge in order to enable people to “Save precious time. Gain advantages. Learn new things faster. Expand your knowledge. Improve your skills. Noise-free with more focus and less distraction.”