Am I Qualified to Write a Self-Help Book?
June 10, 2022
Are you looking to write a self-help book but don’t know if you’re qualified enough?
A self-help book is different from other types of nonfiction because it addresses issues that people struggle with every day. Hence, it can be very personal and often requires a lot of research.
While that may sound very daunting, especially if you’re not an experienced writer, it can be done with the right tools.
This article will provide you with helpful tips for tackling the project regardless of your skill level with writing. We’ll also show you how you can make your work more manageable if you hire a ghostwriter.
Keep reading to learn more.
How to Know If You Are Qualified Enough to Write a Self-Help Book
Self-help books are incredibly popular, and people often wonder if they could write one themselves. While you may be a great writer and have a lot of experience with the topic, there’s more to writing a self-help book than simply putting your expertise into words.
We’ve put together five questions to help you determine if you’re qualified to write a self-help book.
1. Do you have a specific problem you’d like to solve?
If you're struggling with something that no one else seems to be talking about, then you should consider writing a book about it.
Sharing your experiences can help someone in a similar situation to stay hopeful.
Your book can be a source of inspiration and motivation to so many people who are looking for answers or a glimmer of hope.

2. Are you willing to put in the time and effort required to write a book?
Writing a good self-help book could take time. Depending on the topic, it could take a year or two to complete.
For your message to reach as many people as possible, you will need to take your time crafting a thorough yet easy-to-understand message that will resonate deeply within readers’ hearts and minds.
3. Is the topic interesting to you?
Writing a book isn’t always easy. If you’re not excited about the topic, then it’s unlikely you’ll stick with it long enough to finish the book. On the other hand, if you love the subject, it could be fun to share your knowledge.
Writing in an area of interest is always easier than writing on a topic you cannot relate to. You’ll flow easily and complete your book faster when you love what you write about.
4. Are you flexible enough to accommodate different points of view?
The best self-help books offer new ways of thinking about problems that people face daily. However, while these ideas may resonate with some readers, they might not resonate well with others.
An author needs to be able to accept criticism without taking it personally and should always strive to find common ground between their own beliefs and those of others.
5. Do you have a unique perspective?

You don't necessarily need to be a professional writer to write a book.
However, if you think you have a unique perspective on a particular subject, you should consider writing a book.
Thinking about why you believe you have something valuable to share with the public could give you the needed foundation as you begin.
- What makes you stand out among all the other experts?
- Why do you think people would benefit from reading your book?
- Why will they care about what you have to say?
What are some indications you are considered an expert on a topic?
A good self-help book will have a clear message, which means it has a single point to make and doesn’t try to address too many things at once. The author must also be able to communicate effectively. This includes being able to express ideas clearly and persuade readers to take action.
There are a few things you can look for when deciding if you’re qualified enough to write a self-help book. They include:
- You’ve studied the topic for many years.
- You’ve taken classes on the topic.
- You’ve worked in the industry.
- You’ve published articles on the topic.
- You’ve given speeches on the subject.
How can you get the book written if you’re not a skilled writer?
Skills can be learned, and anyone can become an author. Of course, learning how to write better is one way you could improve your chances of publishing a self-help book.
If you don’t have experience with writing, we’ve put together some tips to get you started.
Begin with research.
While you may have come up with great ideas for your book and have an excellent understanding of its topic, more research needs to be done.
So, make sure you take time to read similar books to figure out how best to approach yours. In addition, carry out as much research as possible on self-help publishing.
Different organizations offer different services, and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out which one is right for you and your book.

So, take some time researching each before deciding where your book will be published.
Pinpoint your target audience.
One of the first things you need to do when considering writing a self-help book is to determine who your target audience is. This question is important because if you’re not writing for a specific audience, it may be impossible to develop the right tone or writing style for your book.
If, for example, you’re interested in helping teenagers deal with depression and anxiety issues, who will be reading your work? Teens or parents of teens?
Who are you hoping will read your book on coping with addictions or time management, for instance?
How can your self-help book help address these issues without being preachy or condescending?
Build your knowledge base.
One of the best ways to determine whether you’re qualified to write about a topic is by becoming an expert on it.

In fact, one great way to get started with self-help is by identifying gaps in your knowledge and filling them through reading, self-study, and hands-on experience.
Reading helps you understand what makes a great book. If you read a lot, you’ll eventually pick up the writing language.
Whether you want your first book written or already have multiple books under your belt, there's always more information you can absorb.
The more knowledgeable you are, the better equipped you'll be for book writing.
Practice writing.
Writing isn’t something that happens overnight. So, if you want to become a better writer, practice writing regularly.
If you don’t practice writing regularly, you may not be able to write a book even if you have an important message to get across. Writing a few chapters once in a while may not help much either.
Writing every day or as regularly as possible is one of the best things you can do to improve your writing. It forces you to think through each paragraph before you begin typing. This will help keep ideas flowing and ensure you stay motivated to keep writing.
So, start by writing short pieces over a period of weeks. Eventually, you’ll build enough confidence to try writing an entire book.
Outline and draft.
Many first-time authors find it challenging to start writing their books because they don’t know where to begin. But taking some time to get the basics right before you write can make all of the difference.
We suggest outlining your idea and drafting some chapters before you sit down to write your book from start to finish. The outline will help keep you on track and give you valuable insight into how well your book is going—and what else it needs!
Get feedback.
Getting feedback from others who have written books gives you insight into what works and doesn’t work when writing a book.
Ask friends, family members, and teachers for advice. They can give you helpful suggestions about how to improve your writing. The person doesn’t necessarily need to be a professional editor; they just need to be honest and helpful.
Hire a ghostwriter.
There are tons of self-help books out there, some good and some not so good. If you have an idea for one, but you don’t consider yourself a good writer, you should consider hiring someone who is.
Ghostwriters can help you with all things related to writing your book. This includes research, writing, editing, and proofreading.
An experienced ghostwriter can also help you find a publisher for your book, once it’s finished.
One way ghostwriters work is by helping their clients figure out what their content should be, interviewing them about their experiences, and then taking what they learn from those interviews and turning it into words on paper.

Summing It Up!
Having never written a self-help book doesn’t mean you can’t write one. Just ensure that what you write empowers readers, communicates clearly, and makes people think differently.
On the other hand, you may have a lot of experience in writing but do not have the time to focus on your book.
If you fall under any of these categories, you may need to hire a ghostwriter to help you surmount the challenges of writing a self-help book.