Balancing the Buzz: How Much Caffeine is Too Much?

30 Jul 2024


We don’t know about you, but as writers, coffee is a must-have part of our day! We can’t help but wonder, though, if our morning caffeine ritual is doing more harm than good.

In a recent blog post from The Takeout (shared by TWFH writer, Flori Meeks) the author, Lauren Harkawik, reflects on her long-standing caffeine consumption that routinely includes four cups of coffee a day. This habit, while enjoyable and integral to her daily productivity, has led to concerns about the potential risks of excessive caffeine intake. (We’re right there with you, Lauren!)

Harawik’s concern has only been amplified by recent lawsuits against Panera, centered on its highly caffeinated “Charged Lemonade,” which has been linked to multiple deaths. The lawsuits prompted Panera to modify its labeling and selling practices, yet Harkawik still questions her own caffeine consumption.

Seeking clarity, Harkawik consulted Jennifer Temple, Director of the Nutrition and Health Research Laboratory at the University at Buffalo. Temple reassured her that moderate caffeine consumption is generally safe, as the body can metabolize caffeine quickly and signal when it has had enough. According to Temple, healthy adults can typically handle up to 400 mg of caffeine daily, equivalent to four cups of home-brewed coffee, though tolerance varies among individuals.

Temple emphasizes the importance of clear labeling to prevent accidental overdoses, which, although rare, can result in severe cardiac issues and even death. Being mindful of caffeine sources and listening to the body’s signals are crucial to safe consumption.

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